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Welcome to the Armenian national EURAXESS portal!

The EURAXESS Armenia portal is designed to offer information and assistance to mobile researchers, supported by our national EURAXESS Centres. Here, you can find information on job and funding opportunities, as well as on administrative procedures that affect researchers and their families when moving to Armenia or relocating abroad.

EURAXESS Armenia is part of a European Commission initiative to support mobile researchers. This network consists of numerous European Services Centres across the world that provide free assistance to researchers and their families on matters such as visas, diploma recognition, social security, and other legal and cultural aspects.

All services provided by the EURAXESS Network are free of charge!

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ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs
The ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs is out! It offers distinct, targeted financial support to parties that are EURAXESS members but do not directly participate in the ERA TALENT project. The support is provided for enhancing career development or talent circulation


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak international cooperation in research has also been impacted.

The European Commission has launched a dedicated website with up-to-date information on medical issues, mobility, general advice and useful contacts and links.


Armenian Government has also taken protective measures against COVID-19.

State of emergency was declared on 16 March, 2020 lasting until 14 April 2020, after it was extended four times until September 14 2020. However, starting from 18 May 2020 some of the imposed limitations were removed: preschools, shopping centres and gyms reopened and public transport resumed its operation. Starting from September 14, 2020 the state of emergency was replaced with nationwide quarantine regime that will be in force until January 11, 2021.
On January 12, 2021 the quarantine regime was extended for six months and will be in force until July 11, 2021.
Armenia lifted the outdoor mask mandate for all people on June 1, 2021. Those who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 can go without masks indoors from July 1, 2021.
As of May 1, 2022 the quarantine on the territory of the Republic of Armenia due to COVID-19 has been extended till June 20, 2022. All the restrictions have been lifted and the passengers are no longer required to present a COVID-19 PCR test or a Certificate of complete vaccination against COVID-19 to enter the Republic of Armenia, the entry to the Republic of Armenia continues to remain open both via air and land borders.

Travel Restrictions
By visiting the websites of the Government of RA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RA you can check whether you are allowed to travel to Armenia or not.

Support Programmes
By visiting the website of Armenian Government you can find out about support programes addressing social and economic impact of COVID-19.

Ministry of Health
Please visit MoH for news and information regarding COVID-19.

World Health Organization
Here you find all information about Coronavirus disease pandemic.